Press #
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Schich #
Tallinn University, Estonia
Since 2016 #
Pau, Aivar. Tallinna ülikooli kultuuriprofessor: “Putin on haletsusväärselt staatiline animeeritud nukk omaenda totalitaarses teatris.” forte.delfi.ee (Mar. 18, 2022) https://forte.delfi.ee/artikkel/96190101/
Link, “Vật lý có thể đo lường nghệ thuật?” Tia Sáng (Nov. 11, 2021) https://tiasang.com.vn/van-hoa/vat-ly-co-the-do-luong-nghe-thuat-28628/
Link, Andreas, Rajesh Ramachandran, and Christine Binzel. “Vernacularization and linguistic democratization. VoxEU.org (Dec. 30, 2020) https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/vernacularisation-and-linguistic-democratisation
Balietti, Stefano. “The human quest for discovering mathematical beauty in the arts.” PNAS 117 no. 44 pp. 27073-27075 (Oct. 23, 2020) https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2018652117
Aiello, Luca Maria. “Summer Visions in Berlin.” Medium (Aug. 6, 2019) https://medium.com/@lajello/summer-visions-in-berlin-830519bddab8
Romeo, Jess. “Computer Program Measures the Entropy of Art.” Scientific American (March 5, 2019) https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/computer-program-measures-the-entropy-of-art/
Pfisterer, Ulrich. “Big Bang Art History.” International Journal for Digital Art History 3 (2018). https://doi.org/10.11588/dah.2018.3.49916
Burbano, Patricio. “Un puente entre Ciencia y Arte. Knowledge Link Through Art and Science (KLAS).” Meer (Jan. 18, 2018) https://www.meer.com/es/35263-un-puente-entre-ciencia-y-arte
Guido Tabellini and Michel Serafinelli. “Creativity and freedom.” VoxEU.org (Jan. 6, 2018) https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/creativity-and-freedom
Kienle, Miriam. “Between Nodes and Edges: Possibilities and Limits of Network Analysis in Art History.” Artl@ s Bulletin 6, no. 3 (2017): 1. https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1152&context=artlas
Kurz, Constanze. “John Brockmans Buch über Denkmaschinen: Was sollen wir von Künstlicher Intelligenz halten?” netzpolitik.org (Jul. 12, 2017) https://netzpolitik.org/2017/john-brockmans-buch-ueber-denkmaschinen-was-sollen-wir-von-kuenstlicher-intelligenz-halten/
Laouenan, Morgane, Etienne Wasmer, and Olivier Gergaud. “A brief history of human time." VoxEU.org (Marc. 12, 2016) https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/brief-history-human-time
Buskirk, Martha. “Data Drift.” Artforum 54, no. 6 (2016). https://www.artforum.com/columns/data-drift-227592/
2014/2015 #
The list below is sorted by country and loosely by relative impact, based on user upvotes and Alexa rank of the respective venue
Press releases for our 2014 Science paper and Nature video: Science, Nature, UT Dallas, ETH Zurich, Northeastern University, University of Miami, The Getty Iris, European Commission (Horizon 2020).
Notable mentions: UT Dallas Annual Report 2014 (full page); The J. Paul Getty Trust 2014 Report (as proof of big data art research is possible).
Press items: Argentina: El Diario; Austria: ORF, Die Presse, Der Standard, Kleine Zeitung, Salzburger Nachrichten, Tiroler Tageszeitung, etc.; Australia: SBS, Gizmodo; Belgium: Le Vif, De Standaard; China: Youku, cnblogs, sciencenet; Costa Rica: Costaricoan; Dominican Republic: La Informacion; Finland: Kaleva, Savon Sanomat; France: huffingtonpost.fr, Le Nouvel Observateur, Mon Figaro; Germany: Süddeutsche Zeitung, Der Spiegel, Deutschlandfunk, SWR Radio, Spiegel Online, Focus Online, Zeit Online, P.M., vice (DE), Pressengers, Heise online, gizmodo (DE), Scinexx, PC Games, NWZ online, Informationsdienst Wissenschaft, DLD*, Bild der Wissenschaft, Designbote, etc.; Hungary: Origo; India: Delhi Daily News; Italy: Corriere della Sera, huffingtonpost.it, Wired.it, greenreport.it, informatione.it, Alessandria News, Dire.it; Japan: Mainchi, Tokyo Compe; Mexico: De Dobe; Netherlands: De Redactie, eos Wetenchap; Norway: Forskning; Poland: Gazeta Wyborcza; Romania: Romania Libera; Russia: Vesti, Polit, Gigamir; Slovakia: Aktuality, SME; Slovenia: Kvarkadabra; South Korea: huffingtonpost.kr, Chosun, Donga Science; Spain: RT, Europa Express, Sinc, Noticias de la Ciencia, Ideal, Hoy, Publico, La Voz de Galicia, Sevilla Actualidad, El Dario Vasco, Notimérica, La Voz Digital, Diario Progresista, VLC noticias, Diásporas Magazin; Switzerland: Tages Anzeiger, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, SR (radio), Basler Zeitung, Der Bund, Le Matin, Tribune de Genève, 24 heures, Berner Zeitung; United Kingdom: Nature News, Daily Mail, Yahoo News (UK), The Economist, gizmodo (UK), Financial Times Magazine; USA: Huffington Post, Wired, National Geographic, Slate, Sploid (gizmodo), The Next Web, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo News, io9, Live Science, The Atlantic, Time, Data is Beautiful (reddit), Boston Globe, Dallas Morning News, Business Insider, Washington Post, UPI, Digital Journal, Motherboard (vice), Tech Times, NPR, The Dish, QZ, Science Daily, Latin Post, The Higher Learning, HNGN, Guardian Liberty Voice, Scientific American, Miami Today, Latino Post, phys.org, Streetwise, Medical Daily, Solo Ciencia, French Tribune, Discover Magazine, etc.; Venezuala: Ultimas Noticias.
Other selected features:
Conrad, Cecilia. “Geography of Genius: New Data about MacArthur Fellows Shows Creative People Move More.” Time (Sept. 3, 2014) http://time.com/3225774/
A MacArthur Foundation report, inspired by our 2014 Science paper
Börner, Katy. “Visual Insights.” (Cambridge/MA: MIT-Press), 2014.
Before 2014 #
Kohle, Hubertus. “Digitale Bildwissenschaft.” (Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbach), 2013. https://doi.org/10.11588/artdok.00002185
Sterling, Bruce. “The Data Body on the Dissection Table” Wired.com (June 5, 2013) https://www.wired.com/2013/05/the-data-body-on-the-dissection-table/
Caldarelli, Guido. “Viewpoint: The Longevity of Rankings.” Physics 5,105 (Sept. 17, 2012) https://doi.org/10.1103/Physics.5.105
“Fundstück. Die einzigartige Materialsammlung ‘Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance’ ist seit kurzem im Internet abrufbar.” Die Welt (Feb. 2, 2000) http://www.welt.de/print-welt/article500236/Fundstueck.html
Features a screenshot of the user interface I co-developed.